A Sweeter Wednesday
I’m doing something a little different on Salt & Baker.
Salt & Baker will be geared towards food, but I want to share a little more than just food every so often. Maybe a few times a month, or once a week. We’ll see how it goes!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Recipes you don’t want to miss
I’ve shared a few recipes, so if you haven’t seen them make sure you check them out. Readers have been going crazzzzzy for my baked oatmeal cups! The recipe is so versatile too! Like, it’s healthy, filling, but doesn’t weigh you down.
And because life is about balance I also shared a delicious chocolate cupcake recipe and a chocolate buttercream to pair with the cupcakes.
And if you need something that’s full of healthy ingredients try the kale pizza recipe that I just posted!
Tips for Moving
We are currently moving from Utah to Texas. Currently, as in the moving truck is parked in my driveway and we are leaving in a few hours!
There are a few things I’ve learned from this big move.
- Don’t move.
- Are you SURE you need to move?! Maybe you should re-think this.
- If moving is absolutely necessary, begin to evaluate what you do and don’t need.
- Get rid of all the things.
- Start packing.
- Take a break from packing and make a snack…these energy bites were my go-to.
- Return to packing.
- Promptly get overwhelmed with packing and watch 2 episodes of The Office.
- Pon off boxing to spouse.
- Finish watching The Office.
- Move to Texas.
Truth be told, this was pretty much how our packing scenario went down.
What caught my eye
Stories like this make my heart happy. This was in my home state of Idaho too!
Do you have Netflix? You need to watch Ryan Hamilton (he’s a comedian)! I laugh so hard it makes me cry.
I totally need to up my 4th of July attire with these glasses.
Can’t wait to read this book.
Are you a fan of the straw purses? I think this purse is so cute and totally affordable. But this one would be nice for a day at the beach… gosh, a trip to Hawaii sounds nice right about now. Ha!!
My sister thinks I’m weird because i like these earrings…
In case you forgot, Amazon Prime Day is July 8th! It’s coming up fast. Do you have something you want to get? Let me know in the comments below!
Did you see this stand mixer?! It definitely makes a statement and it’s crazy beautiful, but you’ll probably need to take out a loan to purchase it!
All the heart eyes for this photo taken in Santorini.

Photo by Ryan Spencer on Unsplash
Salivating over…
It’s hot out! These watermelon skewers are perfect for this time of year.
Don’t forget about these Greek yogurt fruit bites, so festive for the 4th too!
This tortellini salad looks perfect for dinner.
Need to use up some cherries? These cherry almond sweet rolls look delish.
Gotta try this peanut butter yogurt dip.
Key lime pie… one of my husband’s favorite desserts.
Also drooling over this summer veggie sandwich.
Join the fun!
Join Salt & Baker Friends, a private facebook group made just for you. Come participate and join in on the giveaways!
Thank you for reading and supporting companies and brands I partner with. There are affiliate links in this post, for which I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This allows me to bring unique content and recipes to you, free of charge. As always, all opinions are my own.